You face significant consequences when you’ve been accused of committing a crime. There are the penalties you’ll suffer if convicted, but there are other ways your life could be impacted, like employability or your social standing.
Getting your charges dismissed is possible, and one of the best-case scenarios after you’ve been arrested. However, the process can be complicated, so working with the right criminal defense attorney in Bloomington is one of your best options.
Learn more about how to get your charges dismissed.
Common Ways to Get Charges Dismissed in Indiana
There are a number of methods to contest the criminal charges you’re facing. Depending on the circumstances of your case, some might be more viable than others.
A criminal defense lawyer can review the facts and help you find the right strategy to get your charges dismissed.
Lack of Evidence and Violations of Rights
In Indiana, the prosecution must prove the defendant is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. If the state doesn’t have enough evidence to show that criminal charges should apply, your attorney can contest them.
Plus, if your constitutional rights were violated leading up to your arrest, you could motion to have your charges dismissed. This is called a motion to suppress evidence. Some violations, like illegal searches and seizures, are used to collect evidence illegally.
Your attorney can file to have that evidence suppressed and as a result, your charges dismissed if law enforcement didn’t follow the law.
Motions to Suppress Evidence
Pre-trial motions are crucial tools when you’re fighting criminal charges. Your attorney can seek to suppress certain pieces of evidence if you can show that that evidence was obtained illegally.
For example, if you were interrogated by police without your lawyer present or if they coerced a confession, those statements aren’t permitted to be used in court.
The impact of a successful motion to suppress can be significant. It’s one way to weaken the prosecution’s case.
Plea Agreements
Plea agreements are negotiations between your attorney and the prosecutor. They will discuss a mutually agreeable solution before a trial.
Sometimes, a prosecutor is willing to dismiss your charges for restitution of damages or an agreement to complete a term of community service. In other cases, your attorney may be able to get your charges reduced to a lesser offense with a lower possible sentence.
A skilled attorney will find opportunities to get your charges dismissed, or the next best thing, reduced.
Deferred Adjudication or Diversion Programs
Your attorney could seek deferred adjudication or get you enrolled in a diversion program. These options give you the chance to get charges dismissed if you can complete the conditions set by the court.
Deferred Adjudication in Indiana
If you’re granted deferred adjudication, the court will wait to act on your case while you have time to meet certain conditions.
If you complete these terms, like serving a certain number of community service hours, the judge may agree to dropping charges.
Diversion Programs in Indiana
Some charges have a related diversion program that are designed to help rehabilitate offenders. The defendant won’t be convicted if they can complete the program, and they can avoid the long-term consequences of a criminal record.
For instance, someone accused of a non-violent crime without victims could be eligible for the program. Not everyone will qualify for a deferred adjudication or diversion program, so discuss these options with your attorney.
Should I Hire an Indiana Criminal Defense Attorney?
Whenever you’re facing legal trouble, it’s always a good idea to hire a criminal defense attorney. You’re facing the pressures associated with a criminal investigation. Any wrong moves could land you in more hot water.
A reliable and skilled Indiana criminal defense lawyer can help you fight the charges you’re facing. Your attorney can investigate your case, gather evidence that contradicts the state’s story, and find other weaknesses.
They can use their knowledge of Indiana’s laws and their own experience to guide you towards a favorable outcome. Getting your charges dismissed keeps them off of your criminal record, protecting your future, reputation, and rights.
What Happens if I’m Convicted of a Crime in Indiana?
If you’re convicted of criminal charges, you could be facing years in prison and hefty fines. Your case’s outcome depends on several factors, like your criminal history, the crime you’re charged with, and how effective your attorney’s strategy is.
You can face consequences beyond the criminal justice system’s punishment. After a conviction, you could lose your job, your access to reliable housing, and your standing in the community.
Fight to Get Your Indiana Criminal Charges Dismissed with Chopra Criminal Defense
After you’ve been accused of a crime, you must act quickly. Your case suffers the longer you wait to act, and the harder it will be to get your charges dismissed.
Bloomington criminal defense lawyer Allison Chopra is prepared to hear your story and offer legal guidance to fight for your rights.
Her experience as a former prosecutor and an aggressive defense attorney allows Allison to reason with judges and build a thorough defense against your Indiana criminal charges.
Use the online form or call (812) 671-0103 to schedule your consultation with Chopra Criminal Defense.
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